Acacia Honey – Its History and Unique Health Benefits

Acacia honey is quite unique in the world of honey. To start with, it is low in sucrose content and a high fructose. This makes it a better choice for those who might be sensitive to sugar. Acacia honey is famous for its medicinal qualities too. The video below gives a fascinating introduction into Romania Acacia honey. It looks at its origins, how the Romanians produce the honey, and its many uses.

There are actually over 300 types of honey in the world. Acacia honey is one that comes from the black locust or false acacia tree. This is a light-colored or even clear honey, and has a mild but sweet taste. Acacia honey has a delicate flavor that has hints of vanilla. The honey rarely crystallizes because of its high fructose content. Produced from the nectar of thee acacia flower, this s perhaps one of most sought after honeys in the world.

The Active Compounds

Acacia honey contains compounds called flavonoids. These are a diverse group of phytonutrients or plant chemicals. The honey also contains phenolic compounds, which are also plants chemicals. Flavonoids and phenolic compounds act as antioxidants inside the body. An antioxidant is a substance that protects the body from free radicals that are damaging to cells. By doing this, they keep cells healthy and youthful. This is turn yields the following three health benefits:

  1. Prevents age-related illnesses
  2. Relieves stress
  3. Increases lifespan

As you can see, getting antioxidants into your system is a crucial part of optimal health.

About the Acacia Tree

The Acacia tree is a flowering plant and part of the legume family. It is also goes by the name of the black locust tree due the black legumes that grow on it. These black legumes give the appearance of locusts, hence the name. For bees, these trees emit beautiful-smelling nectar that they just can't resist. For us, the acacia tree is actually poisonous, aside from the flowers.

The planted acacia produces a lot more nectar than those which grow wild in the forest. In the middle of spring, the Acacia is in full bloom. A warm climate with humid mornings suits the plant best. In An average hive there will be between 30-50 kg of acacia honey.

The Real Health Benefits of Acacia Honey

Acacia honey shares all the usual health benefits of other honeys, but it also has some unique properties of its own. Here are some of the best know:

  • Cleanses the liver
  • Conditions the intestines
  • Beneficial to the respiratory system due to antibacterial properties
  • Treats headaches
  • Treats kidney and urinary system issues
  • Treats atherosclerosis
  • Digestive problems
  • Pulmonary infections
  • Acts as sedative for nervous disorders and insomnia
  • Helps with various skin diseases
  • Improves wounds healing time

Regarding the last point, there has been some scientific research into the effects acacia honey has on wound healing. The trail applied the honey topically as well as orally. The results showed the honey had a significant effect on infected wound healing.

Effects of Acacia Honey on Wound Healing in Various Rat Models.
Iftikhar F, Arshad M, Rasheed F, Amraiz D, Anwar P, Gulfraz M.
Phytother Res. 2010 Apr;24(4):583-6. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2990.

As with any kind of health treatment, including honey therapy, always consult your doctor. Even with minor conditions, it's never a good idea to self-diagnose and it's an even worse idea to self-prescribe.

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